
MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

North High School; 10/1/2015



CALL TO ORDER- Vern Vail called the meeting to order at 8:35pm


ATTENDEES-           Board Members: Tracy Collins, Dan Filipiak, Cedric Lindsay, Paul Peronard, Brian Smith, Vern Vail, Cooper Watts

Music Directors: Mike Lucas, Rick Mongrain

Operations Manager: Bruce Thron-Weber



Minutes from the 9/10/2015 meeting were approved as submitted.

Dan asked if there were any other unapproved minutes outstanding. Those present did not know of any but it was agreed to hold the question until Roger Oram’s return next meeting.


Mike said that the band membership was growing in quality and numbers. He also mentioned that the review/purging/storage of music files was ongoing. Future concerts include the winter concert at RRCC on 11/19/2015, and the concert at Edgewater Plaza on 12/10/2015.

Rick said the Combo was sounding good and that he was happy with the progress of the Intermediate band.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Vern thanked the Board Members for their service and for completing the election of officers.

VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Nothing to report.

SECRETARY’S REPORT- Nothing to report.

TREASURER’S REPORT- Nothing to report.


Bruce mentioned that the Band was purchasing thirteen new logo shirts. He stated that there was an open ‘taxability’ question regarding our selling of the shirts to band members; this question will be taken up by the Board on Roger’s return.

Bruce said that one new band member was reluctant to sign the release that we ask all band members to sign in which they say that we may use their name and likeness in our publicity and on our website. She said that she is OK with being video taped. Bruce asked if anyone present at this meeting knew of other situations about which she or any band member might be concerned; no one present was aware of any.

He mentioned that our SCFD award check can be picked up on 10/19/2015. Also as pertains to the SCFD, Bruce mentioned that the SCFD had advised us (MHCB) to find additional funding sources; this topic will be added to a future Board meeting agenda.

Bruce suggested that the Band may be able to get additional members if we were to provide them with child care during rehearsals and concerts.


Bylaws wrap-up: Dan described the intent of the wrap-up as making (only) Board-approved changes to the official current baseline of the bylaws, and then posting them on the website . Paul and Vern offered their help.

SCHOLARSHIP UPDATE- Nothing to report


The Board members voted unanimously to confirm Paul Peronard as our representative to the SCFD.

Paul Peronard agreed to look into the ramifications of cooperating with the CAST3 group. He will report back to the Board

There was some discussion of ways to enhance our relationship with RRCC. Among them were inviting RRCC to designate a faculty member and/or a student musician to be on the MHCB Board. This discussion was tabled until a future Board meeting

ADJOURN- The meeting was adjourned at about 9:30 pm.