
MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

North High School; 12/3/2015



CALL TO ORDER- Vern Vail called the meeting to order at 8:40pm


ATTENDEES-     Board Members: Tracy Collins, Dan Filipiak, Cedric Lindsay, Roger Oram, Brian Smith, Vern Vail, Cooper Watts

Music Directors: Mike Lucas, Rick Mongrain

Operations Manager: Bruce Thron-Weber



Minutes from the 11/5/2015 meeting were approved as submitted.


Mike expressed his compliments and satisfaction with the work of the bands. He added that we need mic stands to complete the sound system that was recently purchased.

Rick said the Combo continues to prepare for the winter program. He also said that his planned absence would be moved to March instead of January of 2016; precise dates are yet to be determined.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Vern expressed his thanks to Roger, Rick, Bruce, and Mike for their ongoing help in our move to DMA’s new quarters in Golden Music. He said he was pleased to have the purchase of the new sound system moved along. He asked for further action with the purchase of mic stands, and Roger made a motion to approve $40 for this purpose. The move was seconded and the vote of approval was unanimous.

VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Roger said that a temporary glitch in the paycheck process was being cleared up. He said that the materials to be moved to DMA were mostly boxed and ready.

SECRETARY’S REPORT- Nothing to report beyond further/final Bylaws wrap-up. See Old Business

TREASURER’S REPORT- Tracy handed out copies of the latest MHCB financial statements (Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss) to all attendees. She invited questions at this or at future Board meetings.

OPERATIONS MANAGER’S REPORT- Bruce mentioned that receipt of dues is in good shape. Scanning of MHCB music was continuing; and new software was needed for this activity (See New Business). He asked the Board to be ready to assist as he prepares our next application for an SCFD grant. Notably, this assistance would be in the area of future budgeting, and in characterizing challenges and prospective solutions that will affect our organization.


DMA move, and music storage: DMA is moving to Golden Music and we’ll be allocated some of their space for storage. Vern will contact DMA to determine the specific room(s) allocated to MHCB.

Bylaws wrap-up: Dan provided redline copies of a new baseline of the MHCB Bylaws, which was then voted on and approved. This new baseline incorporates a previous change to the Non-Discrimination Statement: that change had been approved during the Board meeting held March 1st, 2012 but had not been fully articulated and incorporated into the Byaws until now.

Sound system purchase: The sound system has been purchased --and with the approval to spend $40 for mic stands mentioned earlier in the President’s Report, the system can be complete.


Two scholarship applications were recommended by Cooper Watts. These applications will extend into the first term of 2016. Both were approved unanimously.

Cooper advised the Board that he would soon be attending graduate school and would need to step down from his position as chairman of scholarships. He suggested that his replacement be selected soon and given some time to phase into ongoing work.

Bruce mentioned that all those holding scholarships needed a reminder to reapply for the coming term.


Edgewater Plaza Senior Housing:               12/10/2015. (all bands)

Edgewater Senior Brunch:                         12/12/2015. (Combonians only)


Possible concert dress change: Mike proposed that the concert attire for the bands be changed to white shirts ( no tie), and black pants. This is to be an alternative in addition to occasional use of our navy polo shirts. The idea was discussed and it was decided to shoot for the Spring of 2016 for implementing this new dress standard.

Hiring of subs for players and conductors: There was some discussion of how we might establish a more orderly approach to finding and scheduling substitute players and conductors when absences required doing so. In the course of this discussion Roger expressed his concerns regarding scholarship recipients who did not regularly attend our rehearsals and performances.

Music archiving and printing: Bruce requested that the Board approve money to purchase new Adobe software needed for scanning and archiving our music. The request was approved unanimously. Vern, Mike, and Bruce are still heavily involved in this scanning work.

December 17 hiatus: Vern recommended that all MHCB bands take a hiatus on December 17, since the rehearsal just before Christmas is generally poorly attended. The music directors would be paid for this date regardless. The action was so moved, seconded, and unanimously approved.

ADJOURN- The meeting was adjourned at about 9:30 pm.