
MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

North High School; 3/3/2016



CALL TO ORDER- Vern Vail called the meeting to order at 8:35 pm


ATTENDEES-     Board Members: Eva Bramlett, Tracy Collins, Dan Filipiak, Cedric Lindsay, Roger Oram, Brian Smith, Vern Vail

Music Directors: Mike Lucas, Rick Mongrain

Operations Manager: Bruce Thron-Weber



Minutes from the 2/4/2016 meeting were approved as submitted.


Mike said that we are all set for the upcoming Spring concert, and that he was moving forward with music selection for our June program.

Rick is pleased with the work and progress of both the intermediate band and the jazz combo. He will be absent from rehearsals on April 14th and 21st. Roger Oram will coordinate with potential subs for Rick on those dates.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Vern welcomed Evie Bramlett as a new member of the Board. Evie had been elected to replace Cooper Watts during the rehearsal immediately preceding this meeting. He said that Paul Peronard was expected to be absent from Board meetings indefinitely due to an out-of-town work assignment, and that Cooper Watts would continue in Paul’s place as temporary/alternate Board member until he leaves the band to undertake graduate studies.

Vern asked for volunteers from the Board to replace Cooper as scholarship coordinator. After a brief discussion covering the responsibilities of the position, Brian Smith volunteered and was unanimously accepted.

VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Roger said that he and Bruce had finished the transfer/filing of our music, and that some continued purging of music materials was in progress. Vern brought up the fact that some personal information could be found in those files; Roger acknowledged this and said that such information would be purged as well.

Roger added that the new scholarship application form was now on the MHCB website, and that he was still working on the application’s content with respect to applicant’s selection of band(s).



OPERATIONS MANAGER’S REPORT- Bruce said that items he wished to report on would be covered by the meeting agenda.


Librarian Update: Bruce mentioned that Alyse Greenberg had expressed an interest in the open position of Band Librarian. Vern added that we will put off the selection of a Librarian until our next meeting, and that we would consider Alyse and any others interested at that time.

Updated Budget: Bruce passed out the revised budget for submittal to the SCFD as part of our grant proposal. After some discussion of particular items in this budget, it was voted on and approved by the Board for inclusion as-is to the SCFD. One of the items discussed --that of a performance license-- will be further studied as to what it provides us and whether we need it. Roger will look into this matter and advise the Board. For now this item remains in the budget.

Small Groups: Cedric provided an update on the status of the MHCB brass quintet. The group has met twice at Red Rocks CC. He was still working to fill out the group since the prospective euphonium player can’t read the base cleff music chosen. Cedric was encouraged by all to find his low brass, base cleff player among our new tuba players.

New Gigs: Cedric confirmed our ‘booking’ for the upcoming convention of the Colorado Adult Education Professional Association –CAEPA. The convention is to be held on Thursday, 10/13/2016 at the Westin hotel in Westminster. It is likely that all bands will participate. The music program is to be about 90 minutes long. The Board unanimously approved this event.

SCHOLARSHIP UPDATE- Brian Smith brought five scholarship applications to the Board’s attention All were for full tuition. Each was considered in turn, and all five were unanimously approved by the Board. Details can be found in the applications themselves.


Spring Concert                    April 7, 2016. (all bands). At NHS.

CAEPA convention               October 13, 2016. (all bands). Westin Hotel, Westminster


Next Board Meeting: Vern stated that our next Board meeting would be held April 14th .

Recruiting: Vern asked the members of the Board to think about how we might go about adding some younger members to the Bands. Probably, such younger members would be at least of high school age. This topic was tabled for future discussion.

New scanner/copier/printer: Discussion tabled.

Professional Advertiser/promoter: Discussion tabled.


ADJOURN- The meeting was adjourned at about 9:35 pm.