
MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

Panera’s;  10;00 am   2/8 and 2/22/2014

As amended and approved March 6, 2014


Attendees          Directors:  Roger Oram, Dave Thomas, Dan Filipiak, Lesley Herrmann, Will Roland (2/8 only), Angela Duran (2/8 only)

Operations Manager  Bruce Thron-Weber


NB;  These minutes are inclusive of the preparatory BOD meeting held at Panera’s on 2/8/2014, and the continuation/completion meeting held on 2/22/2014.

In President Paul Peronard’s absence, Dan Filipiak, MHCB Board VP, presided over these two meetings.


2/8  through  2/22/2014 proceedings:

Minutes for the BOD meeting on November 7, 2013 were provided by Angela Duran, and the minutes for the BOD meeting on January 16, 2014 were provided by Dan Filipiak.  Both sets of minutes were approved.  There had been no BOD meeting held during December of 2013.

Angela took the action item of preparing formal minutes for the BOD meeting of September, 2013.

The BOD will consider offloading one or the other of the two roles (Secretary and Treasurer) currently assigned Angela.  She has graciously allowed us to overwork her, but now needs relief.

Old Business matters were tabled until a later BOD meeting so that this meeting could concentrate most time and attention on the new business of strategic planning, agreeing on a new budget, and preparation the next SCFD grant application.

Operations Manager Bruce advised the Board to designate a secondary/backup point of contact for SCFD purposes (the primary being President Paul Peronard).  Dan Filipiak was nominated, accepted the nomination, and was unanimous voted into that role.

Angela agreed to act as substitute music teacher for the Intermediate Band on the dates of 3/13 and 3/20/2014.  She will cover for Rick Mongrain who will be absent on those dates.

Bruce advised the Board that the deadline for SCFD grant applications is 3/21/2014, and that the Board must supply him with needed information in detail by 3/7 in order to allow the Board and himself time for assembly, final review, and submission of the application.

There followed a thorough discussion of the challenges facing MHCB, possible strategies to meet these challenges, implied changes in Board priorities and emphasis, and specific budgetary impacts.  This discussion consumed the remaining time on 2/8, and the full meeting  of 2/22/2104.

What follows here is a numbered summary of the decisions and associated budget resulting from such discussions.  The Board chose to formally move and vote on these decisions and the budget collectively, rather than separately item by item.

1.  The possibility of leasing building space dedicated to MHCB purposes (rehearsals, storage, office space, meeting room) was discussed.  With the very favorable arrangement we currently have with NHS, it was decided to stay put.  It is likely that this question will come up again and should be looked at for out-year budgeting.  No budget impact for this year.

2.  It was agreed that our two Music Directors and our Operations Manager would receive pay increases in recognition of their outstanding expertise and service.  Their retention is key to MHCB success.  Budget impact this year:  $17,200 total budget ($2,200 increase over last year.)

3.  The possibility of MHCB presenting the NHS Music Department with a financial gift was discussed.  NHS music teachers have been most accommodating to the MHCB over the years.  This was considered an idea worth investigating further, but there was no concurrence on doing anything this year.  No budget impact for this year.

4.  There was complete agreement that ongoing improvements to the MHCB web site will be of great help to the MHCB as concerns both growing the Band, and increasing our audience.  Roger Oram is coordinating with our web developer;  he intends to urge/motivate this developer to complete and deploy these improvements as soon as possible.  The remaining efforts will complete this year.  Budget impact this year:   $1000.

5.  Recognizing that there are some persistent gaps in the concert band’s instrumentation, and a broad need to recruit and retain our musicians, the Board agreed to anticipate granting up to ten scholarships of one-year duration to new and present members.  Though this is not an expenditure as such, granting any scholarship forgoes the receipt of that much income.  

6a.  Also in recognition of gaps in our instrumentation and the more general need to add depth to every section, the Board decided to investigate the more practical ways of recruiting in the schools  --at both the college and the high school levels  This will be complemented by enhanced attention towards retaining the members already in our bands.  As part of this activity, we would make students/members aware of our scholarship program.  Materials (e.g. brochures) will be designed and printed in support of recruiting.  Budget impact this year:  $100.

6b.  The Board discussed the possible need for ‘ringers’  --musicians we pay to play at an MHCB performance because we were not otherwise able to fill a gap in important instrumentation.  We intend to preclude this need, but will allocate modest funds just in case.   Budget impact this year:  $400.

7.  The possibility of restarting the Beginning Band was brought up.  The determination was that to do this right would take a level of effort that should better be put off until next year or the following.    No budget impact for this year.

8.  The Board looked at the question of dues:  I.e., should they remain as they are, or be reduced;  should there be a one-time reduction.  It was decided that it would be imprudent to institute a permanent reduction, but that we could as of now afford a one-time reduction and that this ‘dues holiday’ will be granted for the next Fall session, in the amount of one month free.  Budget impact this year:  $1,400.


9.  The Board considered whether MHCB shirts should be provided to members free of charge.  It was decided that we would not change the present practice, i.e., we would leave it to each member to decide that he/she had sufficient commitment to pay the (reasonable) $15 for a shirt.    No budget impact

10.  The Board discussed a set of topics all related to providing the sheet music for each session’s music selections.  To provide clerical relief for Mike, and improve overall efficiency, the Board offers to take on the locating, copying, and distributing of music to all the band members.  Conceptually, Mike only has to pick the music, and (with some agreed lead-time) let the Librarian know the selections.  The Librarian will be tasked with locating the correct sheet music for each section, necessary copying, and handing out.  In the event some parts are missing from our files, the Librarian will have the funds to purchase what’s missing and perhaps pay for the services of a transposer.  Any purchasing or transposing must respect copyrights.   Budget impact this year:  $300

11.  The Board decided to purchase and provide each band member with a substantial/professional music portfolio decorated with the MHCB (aspen leaves) logo.  This will be used at all performance to enhance the audience’s experience and improve the stage presentation of our bands.  Budget impact this year:  $150

12.  Also to enhance the audience’s experience and improve the stage presentation of our bands, the Board will consider acquiring portable music stands decorated with the MHCB (aspen leaves) logo   Budget impact this year:  $350.

13.  The Board agreed to acquire a portable sound system for use primarily by the jazz combo.  This will significantly improve the audience’s experience and satisfaction.   Budget impact this year:  $500.

14.  The Board approved the purchase of two portable banners, one specific to the concert band and the other specific to the jazz band.  These will be opened/unrolled by these bands at all performances and will serve to identify/advertise/promote the band, reflect our support for SCFD, identify our web site, and encourage interest in joining.  Included with the cost of these banners will be the cost for custom graphic artwork.  Budget impact this year:  $200.

15.  The Board agreed to make use of ‘coming events’ columns in regional papers (e.g. The Columbine Courier) in order to advertise our bands’ performance.  Though some such advertising is free, modest funding will be allocated as may be needed.  Budget impact this year:  $50

16.  Seeing that the videos currently on our existing web site are quite out of date and do not reflect the present strength of our bands, the Board agreed on the need to have a number of new video recordings made ---to include a number of musical selections by each of the bands.  Getting top-notch sight and sound will be absolutely necessary if our web site is to attract new musicians and a greater audience.  It is possible that we may be able to use the visual arts capabilities of RRCC to get these done.   Budget impact this year:  $500

17.  Some consideration was given to MHCB’s purchasing a few hard-to-find instruments for lending to prospective new members.  Since recent experience has shown the improbability of our having just what is needed, this idea was dropped. .  No budget impact

18.  Most members of the Board expressed the hope that we could perform our music several times to several audiences, as opposed to working for months just to play our music only once.  The Board decided to give increased emphasis in the future towards finding new audiences and venues.  .    No budget impact


19.  The Board considered the possible advantages of designating two new roles for Board members;  (a) Chairperson for recruiting and retention of members, and (b) Chairperson for concert promotions.  Since our docket of hot issues was full, further discussion of this notion was tied off for now and may be resumed at a later date.   No budget impact


The Vote:   The Budget as a whole, including the impacts just itemized, was assembled and totaled by Bruce and then presented for action by the Board.  There being a quorum (4) of MHCB directors present, Roger moved that the new budget be formally accepted, and Lesley seconded this motion.  Dan took the vote;  it was unanimous in favor of acceptance.  (See 2014 General Operating Budget for details.)

The near-term plan is to hold another meeting of the BOD on March 6, where final comments, numbers, and approvals will be given and help offered to Bruce as needed for submission of our application.

All attending expressed a feeling of success.

The meeting was adjourned.



Mile High Community Band Meeting Minutes

August 1, 2013

Attendees: Dan Filipack, Dave Thomas, Paul, Roger, Bruce, Sarah, Rick, Lesley

  • Arvada Harvest Fest:
    • Performance confirmation at the Arvada Harvest Fest.  Jazz combo will perform September 7thand 8th.  Times TBD.
  • Performance Evaluations:
    • Sarah and Lesley will review evaluations from the April concert at RRCC.
    • [Survey showed that the majority of the people heard about the concert through friends or family members.  Other sources mentioned include the internet and news paper.  One person just so happened to be walking by and stopped in to listen.]
  • Building a relationship with North High School
    • The board discussed ideas on how to build our relationship with NHS.  Ideas included performing a half time show, playing a benefit concert to raise money for the NHS band, and donating some monetary gift.  Roger and Dave will try to visit a DPS employee meeting to get in touch with other NHS representatives that could give us other ideas that would be most beneficial.
  • Bylaws amendment
    • The board approved to amend the bylaws to state:
      • If the President (Pres) and Vice-President (VP) declare an issue “urgent,” the Pres or VP can organize an impromptu meeting for the following  Thursday, after rehearsal, to vote on the issue.  If a meeting cannot be established or the urgent issue must be addressed prior to the next rehearsal, the board can vote on the issue via email and be approved with a majority vote.
  • Website:
    • The website development is making good progress. 
    • Mike Lucus will meet with the video editor.  Others offered to help if Mike is too busy.  These videos will be uploaded to the website
    • Bruce’s daughter has developed a background.  Bruce will put her in touch with the graphic designer so to get her artwork on the website.
  • Jazz combo
    • The group talked about splitting jazz combo into two groups; a performing group and a learning group.  The performing group would be self led while Rick would work with the learning group on improve fundamentals.
    • Splitting the combo would require two rhythm sections (i.e. another bass player and piano player) and space.
    • This idea will be discussed with the combo at the next rehearsal.
  • CD Production:
    • Put on hold.
  • Edgewater concert:
    • Bruce will follow up with Dan Maples for setting up a concert in at the Edgewater park in September.