
MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

North High School; 9/8/2016

Submitted by Eva Bramlett

CALL TO ORDER:   Vern Vail called the meeting to order at 8:30PM.

ATTENDEES: _       Board Members: Eva Bramlett, Tracy Collins, Tim Hanna, Cedric Lindsay, Nicole Martino, Jessica Mess, Roger Oram, Brian Smith

                                Music Directors: Michael Lucas, Rick Mongrain

                                Operation Manager: Bruce Thron-Weber


Minutes from the 8/4/3016 meeting were approved as submitted.

New board members: The MHCB Board welcomed three new members: Tim Hanna, Jessica Mess, and Nicole Martino.


Mike mentioned that we have 8 weeks left until the concert. In addition, Jim Mick, Musical Director for the Metropolitan Jazz Orchestra, will be emailing music he has composed (a total of 3 pieces) for the Mile High Community Band Jazz group. We are also looking at the possibility of receiving a composed piece from Foster Payne, for the concert band.

Rick stated that there must be at least 3-4 week’s notice for the Combonians to prepare for a gig. Their most recent experience with this has been the August Festival. Given very little notice, they were still able to play the gig.


VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Roger mentioned that the video from the spring concert is now on the website and he is working on attaching the concert program for the recording.



OPERATION MANAGERS REPORT- Bruce has not been able to log in on the band website to make changes. Roger will contact our web designer to resolve this problem.

Bruce also mentioned his concern regarding the large amount of money in the band’s PayPal account and suggested that we move this money into the bank. This suggestion was met with tacit agreement and Roger said that he would follow up to accomplish this transfer.

In addition, Bruce said that he is having a difficult time lining up gigs and welcomes any suggestions regarding this issue.


Fund Raiser Job Description: Bruce has established a job description regarding the new position that would involve raising funds for the band. Vern developed the discussion regarding whether the position should be a volunteer from the band or an outside hire. It was unanimously approved by the board that the job will be a paid position and we have allowed Bruce to post the job description on Craig’s List.

There was further discussion regarding the possibility of the individual taking up the new position to earn a small percentage of what they bring in – a decision to be voted on at a later date.

By-laws Regarding Hiring and Spending: Roger has updated Article III Section 7 of the By-laws to state:

“No financial commitments over $50 shall be incurred without pre-approval by the Board. Furthermore, no financial commitments may be approved by the Board that benefit any Band or Organizational member.”

After discussion, Roger withdrew the proposed bylaw for rewrite of the second sentence and resubmittal in October.

Clarinet Loan Without Rental Fee: A band member is looking to rent out our bass clarinet. However, the individual does not have the funds to do so. To compromise, the board has agreed to charge a $10.00 deposit fee to loan out the instrument. The current contract regarding instrument rentals does not have an allotted time frame for the rental. Bruce will be making the necessary corrections to indicate that it will be a renewable 1 year contract. This motion was unanimously approved by the Board.

Lock on Music Library: After conversing with Alec at Golden Music, Vern has discovered that there is a possibility our music library will be moved down to the basement of Golden Music in the next few months. In addition, Vern mentioned that the room adjoined to our music library is only being used for private lessons; decreasing the concern involving stolen music and equipment.

Balance Sheets Reflecting the Appropriate Asset and Depreciation Amounts: Roger has spoken with our Business Consultant, Toni Loomis. Roger had brought up previously his concern that although we have sold most of our instruments, the balance sheets have not been altered to reflect the correct asset holdings. Toni responded stating that during this point there is no need to adjust or remove any equipment on the balance sheet and that remaining assets are showing the correct depreciation amounts.


Dues Reimbursement: A motion was made to reimburse a new band member who had paid her dues, but had realized afterwards that she had too many commitments at this time to join the band. This motion was unanimously approved by the board.

The remaining discussion topics have been tabled until the next meeting.