
MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

North High School; 3/2/2017

Submitted by Eva Bramlett

CALL TO ORDER:        Vern Vail called the meeting to order at 8:30PM.

ATTENDEES:              Board Members: Eva Bramlett, Tracy Collins, Cedric Lindsay, Jessica Mess, Nicole Martino, Roger Oram, Brian Smith, Vern Vail

                                Music Directors: Michael Lucas, Rick Mongrain

                                Operation Manager: Bruce Thron-Weber


Minutes from the 1/12/3016 meeting were approved after clarifying that the framework for the band banners is being stored in Mike’s garage.


Rick and Mike mentioned their concern that the band and choir room doors frequently have not been unlocked at 6:pm. Mike has spoken with the assistant principal of North High School to see if he can come up with a resolution.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Vern, no report.


SECRETARY’S REPORT- Evie, no Report.

TREASURER’S REPORT- Tracy, no report yet for February financials. In mid February, she e-mailed January’s reports.

OPERATION MANAGERS REPORT- Bruce said that the SCFD application should be finished up within the following week.


Implementing musician performance contract- Jessica has been working on creating a performance contract for those we hire to fill in for our concerts. Her most recent update has been to change the address of the MHCB contract to show the address of the MHCB P.O. Box.

Possibilities on finding a new rehearsal space- This discussion has been tabled until next month’s meeting.

Location of MHCB banners- The framework for the MHCB, which has been previously stored in Mike’s garage, has now been moved to Julia Howe’s storage.


Start time for concert on April 6th- The start time for the concert will be 6:00pm beginning with the brass quintet.

Eisenhower neighborhood concert details- This discussion has been tabled for this meeting as the organization process for the concert is still on-going.

Updates on the budgets for this year and next- The budgets have been approved from the recent SCFD meeting. Included in the budget is $1,400 for advertising for concerts and job openings. The board has approved Bruce to spend $100 to advertise for the concert.

Scholarship Request- A band member has submitted their application for a full scholarship, a request which has been unanimously approved by the board.

Updated news on the website- Roger states that the website has been enabled and he will be placing the previous minutes on the website.

RRCC Communications- Currently, Hill Baker is our contact through RRCC. At this time Bruce has not been able to get in contact with him regarding our dates for next year’s concert. Mike will be working on getting in touch with Hill about this information.

Scholarship Requirements- The board has discussed the continuous absence of a current scholarship member during rehearsal. Mike has agreed to contact the individual and mention to this person that not only has the board noticed the absence, but hopes a solution can be found to make it to rehearsal.

The board will be voting on how to rectify this for other members on scholarship.

MHCB Board meeting for April- Due to the upcoming concert on April 6th, the board will be postponing their meeting until the following week in April.

Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 9:25PM.