
MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

North High School; 10/5/2017

Submitted by Eva Bramlett


CALL TO ORDER:        Vern Vail called the meeting to order at 8:35PM.

ATTENDEES:              Board Members: Eva Bramlett, Tracy Collins, Nicole Martino, Jessica Mess, Roger Oram, Brian Smith Vern Vail.

                                Music Directors: Foster Payne, Rick Mongrain

                                Operation Manager: Bruce Thron-Weber


Minutes from the previous meeting have been approved as submitted.


                Mike still out on account of illness.

                Foster reported that both groups are doing well however is concerned that the band will run out of time during the concert if we play all of the pieces. Vern gave the go ahead to keep all of the pieces although ultimately leaving the decision up to Foster.

                Rick and the combo have chosen the four pieces they are to play for the concert and updated the Board on a possible gig opportunity. Sarah, one of the combo members has mentioned a gig opportunity for a retirement home in Castle Rock. Rick has tabled the subject until she can provide him with further details.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Vern, no report.

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Roger, no report.

SECRETARY’S REPORT- Evie, no report.

TREASURER’S REPORT- Tracy, no Report

OPERATION MANAGERS REPORT- Bruce has placed Foster’s biography on the website yet is still working on adding a photo.

                Bruce has also added details of the concert to the website and mentioned that SCFD also lists free concerts on their site. To provide the information to them he will be working with the Directors to solidify the times that the bands are playing.

                There are previous members no longer playing in the band that are being billed for dues. Bruce has made attempts to rectify this with the accountant and will be in further contact with them in the near future.

Old Business:

Apex summer concert series- The Board is interested in having the band play in the Summer Concert Series this upcoming season and is looking to possibly perform in the middle of June/July.

Split performances, locations and audience size- The possibility of having two concerts a year was briefly discussed. An idea was brought to the Board to have the different groups play on different dates to reduce the length of the concert.

                The Board is also looking at scheduling concerts elsewhere and discussed the possibility of performing in a concert with North High School.


New Business:

Board Election Results-  The Board has not gained any members from the recent election and will remain with the members it currently has.

Mike’s return to the band- Mike has been in touch with Foster and is hoping to attend rehearsal soon however is still unsure when that will be.

New relationships built at North High School- Foster has sent an email to the new director with an invitation to join the band as well as providing her with the opportunity to have the band pay to have the piano in the band room tuned.

Donations at concerts-  We are currently in need of donations aside from SCFD. There was discussion to take action in finding sponsors for the band and include their information in our programs or provide a video/slideshow for the concert.

Pinnacle Charter School event- Bruce gave details on the event and mentions that the band would need to have a decorated car or truck and provide candy and brochures to the crowd. The Board has tabled the subject for the time being.

Scholarship- A board member applied for a full scholarship, an application which was unanimously approved by the board.

Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM