MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

December 12, 2019

Submitted by Nicole Martino


  1. Call to Order @ 8:42 pm                                                                       
    1. Attendance
      1. Board Members: Roger Oram, Jessica Mess, Cristina Baker, Barb Lichtenstein, Nicole Martino, Amber Kantor
      2. Music Directors: Rick Mongrain, Mike Lucas
  • Other: Bruce Thron-Weber, Kim Horn
  1. Absent: Tim Hanna, Brian Smith, Risa Wolff
  1. Approval of Agenda
    1. Jessica Mess moved to approve the agenda for 12/12/2019. Seconded. Approved unanimously.
  2. Approval of Minutes • 11/07/19        
    1. Jessica Mess moves to approve Minutes from 11/07/19. Seconded. Approved unanimously.
  3. Reports
    1. Mike Lucas:
      1. Spring break at Jeffco schools could interfere with concert dates. Tentative dates: concert at Edgewater 4/2, dress rehearsal (place TBD) 4/9, concert at Alameda high 4/16. If Jeffco spring break is 3/23-3/27, we could make it work. Can we do dress rehearsal at Alameda?
    2. Rick Mongrain
      1. Happy holidays!
      2. Interested in having combo band play at the fundraiser at Crazy Mountain Brewery
    3. Operations Manager–Bruce Thron-Weber:
      1. Will be away 1/16 and sometime in May
      2. Things going well with due collections
  • Working on submission for SCFD grant application
  1. Lots of new band members can create more work. May need to consider an assistant for Bruce. Roger suggests an assistant and Cristina working on a volunteer list to help with this. Roger and Cristina will meet with Bruce to help formulate a plan for this issue.
  1. President–Cristina Baker:
    1. Need to schedule end of year/new year meeting
    2. She will send a doodle poll to find a Saturday that works
  2. Vice President–Roger Oram:
    1. Wants to discuss Association of Concert Band concert in Santa Fe, NM as a possibility next summer. This will be discussed later.
  3. Secretary – Nicole Martino
    1. Nothing to report
  4. Treasurer–Jess Mess:
    1. Expenses not too high. Do we want to look into December and January payments? We need invoices from Rick and Athena for December.
  5. Discussion Items
    1. Scholarships
      1. Scholarships for Approval
        1. Flute/piccolo concert band
          1. Amber moves to approve a full scholarship.   Approved unanimously for full scholarship plus $70 back dues
        2. Trombone concert band
          1. Roger moves to approve a full scholarship. Seconded. Approved unanimously.
        3. Bruce emailed list of scholarship applicants to Cristina
      2. Fundraising Discussed
        1. Crazy Mountain Brewery has an opportunity to support nonprofits every Wednesday night. Need to coordinate and schedule this. Amber suggests the need to advertise this once scheduled. Combo to play, portion of the beer sales from the bar go to our organization. Silent Auction?
        2. Kim suggests King Soopers fundraiser. Roger to look into details.
  • Cristina to reach out to Toni re: Amazon Smile account
  1. Assistant Conductor
    1. Kim did amazing at rehearsal and the Fall Concert!
    2. Roger made some edits to the assistant conductor contract.
      1. Section 1.4 edit to remove “over $75”
      2. Edit to attachment B
      3. Amber motions to approve amendments. Motion seconded. Unanimous approval.
  • Roger motions to propose the edited contract to Kim. Seconded. Unanimous approval.
  1. Barbara moves to pay Kim when Mike was in the hospital. Motion seconded. Unanimous approval.
  1. Donations collected at the concert were $190
  1. For the good of the cause
    1. Nothing to report
  2. Adjournment
    1. Cristina Baker suggests next meeting 1/9/20
    2. Cristina Baker moved to adjourn. Seconded and approved at 9:44pm