MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

January 9, 2020

Submitted by: Jessica Mess


  1. Call to Order @ 8:44 pm                                                                       
    1. Attendance
      1. Board Members: Roger Oram, Jessica Mess, Cristina Baker, Barb Lichtenstein, Amber Kantor, Tim Hanna, Brian Smith, Risa Wolff
      2. Music Directors: Mike Lucas
  • Other: Bruce Thron-Weber, Kim Horn
  1. Absent: Rick Mongrain, Nicole Martino
  1. Approval of Agenda
    1. Barb Lichtenstein moved to approve the agenda for 1/9/20. Seconded. Approved unanimously.
  2. Approval of Minutes • 11/07/19        
    1. Roger Oram moved to approve Minutes from 12/12/19. Seconded. Approved unanimously.
  3. Reports
    1. Mike Lucas:
      1. April concert set for the 16th. The June concert in the park will have a movie theme.             We’d like to get a dance floor for the Jazz band.      
      2. Cristina requested to invite dance groups to join us for the concert. Bruce to look into SCFD dance groups. Amber to look into other parks, dance floor options as well as additional dance groups outside of SCFD.
  • Tim mentioned his Turnverein dance group class may be interested.
  1. Brainstorming additional fundraising opportunities for Summer concert.
  2. Discussion of inviting other groups for the 2021 season.
  1. Kim Horn - Officially new Assistant Conductor. No other updates.
  2. Operations Manager–Bruce Thron-Weber:
    1. Barb is helping welcome new members and collecting dues payments.
    2. Bruce requested if there have been any in-kind donations to please let him know for our SCFD reports.
  • SCFD report finished and needs final review and submission by Cristina.
    1. Bruce will begin the 2021 application now.
  1. Looking for volunteers to help setup as well as store and transport banners and equipment.
  2. Kevin Jones (Bassoon) offered to help with advertising. Bruce to reach out to Kevin.
  1. President–Cristina Baker:
    1. Nothing to report
  2. Vice President–Roger Oram:
    1. Nothing to report
  3. Secretary – Nicole Martino
    1. Nothing to report
  4. Treasurer–Jess Mess:
    1. Nothing to report
  5. Discussion Items
    1. February Board Meeting
      1. Saturday Board Meeting Set for February 8, 2020 at 10am - 1pm. We will meet at the Panera Bread on 38th and Lowell.  Address and details will be emailed by Cristina to confirm.
    2. Future Meetings
      1. The board is willing to be flexible as needed. We may need more frequent meetings at certain times of the year or until we have more of our goals in place. 
    3. Scholarship Updates
      1. Scholarship application form has not been updated yet. Brian will continue to use the current form. 
      2. Brian to send out scholarship forms to band within the next few days.
  • Cristina and Brian to update form before next winter and board to discuss and create guidelines for scholarship quantities.
  1. Roger and Amber expressed the possibility of reduced dues instead of elimination of dues. The board discussed we will make a final decision when the time comes based on what is best for the band and the organization. 
  1. Board Involvement
    1. Discussion of who has time to help with things like scholarships, grant applications, fundraising, helping Bruce etc.
    2. Cristina to send a list of things Bruce needs help with to see who on the board can help out.
  2. Fundraiser
    1. New packet for program fundraising. Cristina to email the band with the new packet.
    2. Roger reports we are on the donation list for paypal. People can donate to us using the paypal link.
  • King Soopers fundraiser is a Go. Cristina to send links to the band for King Soopers and Amazon Smile.
  1. Raffles are a possibility for our brewery event. (Brian to look into if we need a license or gambling license for a raffle). Silent auction.
  2. Kim Suggested putting together a Band Cookbook and selling that as a fundraiser.
  1. For the good of the cause
    1. Nothing to report
  2. Adjournment
    1. Next meeting Saturday 2/8/20
    2. Roger Oram moved to adjourn. Seconded and approved at 9:27pm