MHCB Board of Directors Meeting (Virtual)

April 6, 2021

Submitted by Nicole Martino


  1. Call to Order @ 6:30 pm                                                                       
    1. Attendance
      1. Board Members: Roger Oram, Cristina Baker, Risa Wolff, Nicole Martino, Amber Kantor, Barb Lichtenstein
      2. Music Directors:
  • Other: Bruce Thron-Weber
  1. Absent: Brian Smith, Jessica Mess, Tim Hanna, Mike Lucas
  1. Approval of Agenda
    1. NA
  2. Approval of Minutes • NA
  1. Reports
    1. Operations Manager–Bruce Thron-Weber:
    2. President–Cristina Baker:
      1. Interviewing for new assistant band director- Jeff
      2. Future of Rehearsals: At park in Edgewater - Citizens Park
        1. Amber suggests starting in June
        2. Need enough space if 2 bands playing at same time.
        3. Bruce concerned about managing with time and space but seems optimistic.
  1. Vice President–Roger Oram:
    1. Nothing to report
  2. Secretary – Nicole Martino
    1. Nothing to report
  3. Treasurer–Jessica Mess: not present
  1. Discussion Items
    1. COVID
      1. Follow CDC guidelines
      2. Start up in June. Obviously based on people’s comfort level.
  • Need to find a rehearsal space. Citizens Park. Need info on reserving or not.
  1. Have both groups show up together at the same time for the first rehearsal and gauge comfort levels, schedules, etc.
  2. First Thursday in June. Start at 6pm. Starting with intermediate and combo.
  3. Dues: half dues for half-time rehearsals.
  1. Also check
  2. Provide for the band. Or members can provide for themselves. Not a requirement more of a safety measure.
  3. Move to spend $60 or less on bell covers. All agree. Motion passed.



  1. Adjournment
  2. Next meeting Tuesday May 4
  3. Moved to adjourn. Seconded and approved at 7:16pm