MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

February 25, 2021

Submitted by Nicole Martino


  1. Call to Order @ 6:30 pm                                                                       
    1. Attendance
      1. Board Members: Roger Oram, Jessica Mess, Cristina Baker, Barb Lichtenstein, Amber Kantor, Tim Hanna, Risa Wolff, Nicole Martino
      2. Music Directors: Mike Lucas, Kim Horn
  • Other: Bruce Thron-Weber
  1. Absent: Brian Smith
  1. Approval of Agenda
    1. NA
  2. Approval of Minutes • NA
  1. Reports
    1. Mike Lucas:
      1. Said he wants to and has the ability to get the band back together in a matter of weeks.
    2. Operations Manager–Bruce Thron-Weber:
      1. Need to work on SCFD application
    3. President–Cristina Baker:
      1. COVID update- can we and should we rehearse?
      2. Send out a survey to the band to see what they want, then we will address in our next meeting.
    4. Vice President–Roger Oram:
      1. Nothing to report
    5. Secretary – Nicole Martino
      1. Nothing to report
    6. Treasurer–Jess Mess:
      1. Nothing to report
    7. Discussion Items
      1. COVID
        1. Follow CDC guidelines
        2. Maybe start up with small groups
  • Consider virtual options but need someone to facilitate it
  1. Maybe start up in May? Obviously based on people’s comfort level.
  2. Need to find a rehearsal space
  3. Tim had a group meet up in an open space and was successful. Also is rehearsing with a group and JeffCo is monitoring it. It has been successful so far. Can only play for 30 minutes at a time. Need good ventilation. Some participate via Zoom. Health dept is very involved.
  1. Budget:
    1. Per Bruce, $1500/month with month off for July, puts us at around $9000
    2. Performance income: can we do performances with a tip jar. Because we don’t perform at Edgewater or Red Rocks, we have zero dollars from performances.
  • Fundraiser income: cookbook, any other potential opportunities? Need to keep our number at $2000.
    1. Amber suggested sponsoring a raffle again. This idea met with concerns regarding State laws.
    2. Cristina mentioned a virtual silent auction
    3. Any other opportunities for grants?
    4. Individual contributions? Leave the same. Seems reasonable @ $3000
  1. Adjournment
    1. Next meeting
    2. Roger Oram moved to adjourn. Seconded and approved at 9:27pm